lunes, 6 de febrero de 2012

cover letter

Adriana Noemi Rios Diaz
2 llanito avenue.
Cellphone: 645 105 12 02.
Home phone: 33 2 94 46
January 29, 2012.

Ana María Amelia Navarro Varela.
Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Cananea.
82.5 km. Carretera Cananea-Agua Prieta.
Cananea, Sonora.
C.P. 84620.

Dear Mrs. Tapia:
I'm interested to be part of this English 6 February-June semester, you know that I’m person than strives to get to meet your goals,  sincere, and hard working.
Letting you know that my previous knowledge of English I had in the past semesters, like how to establish friendly connections with my classmates, speaking the things I learn last semester by the practice we did with the classmates. I also learned the present, past and participle for most of the verbs, among other stuff.
I want the English to be part of my life being this the last semester of my career.  I want to learn all that I can. I’m well aware of the importance of knowing English, is spoken all over the word, and it will definitely to get a good job.  Thank you for time and consideration hoping to hear from you.

Adriana Noemi Rios Diaz

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